The QCDx New Financing Round Is Closing By End of March 2025 - Contact Us To Receive Press Release
On Cancer Heterogeneity
QCDx is a medical company dedicated to providing solutions for detecting and profiling rare cells in the blood circulation
Our mission is to reveal circulating cancer cell heterogeneity both In early stage and advanced disease to deliver precision cancer diagnosis that will enable the oncologist to optimize treatment, monitor therapy, characterize metastasis and assess treatment toxicity
Ultimately, to improve patient outcomes and their quality of life
Treatment Optimization
The RareScope™ system addresses the unmet need for enrichment-free profiling and isolation of rare Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) by 3D optical tomography of all nucleated cells from a blood sample.
When a biopsy is not an option, CTC can offer real-time cancer intelligence with a frequent, minimally invasive blood test.
The novel MultiFluor™ multiplex immunofluorescent probes will enable rapid CTC profiling with 12+ biomarkers in intact & live cells at the time of detection. Different fluorescent antibody probe combinations can be utilized for personalized and real-time intelligence on treatment-specific markers also in all cytology and cytopathology applications.
Our combined RareScope™ & MultiFluor™ platform has multiple applications In cancer diagnostics, cancer research and the pharmaceutical industry in all stages of drug discovery and clinical trials.
RareScope™ for Rare Cell Profiling
The RareScope analyzes cells from the patient’s blood, without the need of a microscopy slide.
Cells are visualized morphologically intact after immuno-fluorescent or Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) staining by utilizing 3D tomographic microscopy. Several million cells can be visualized also live, immobilized in life-sustaining hydrogel.

ENRICHMENT-FREE rare cell detection and deep characterization
INTACT CELL visualization in a life-sustaining 3-D suspension
LIVE CELL visualization over long periods of time
SINGLE CELL isolation - intact and live
3D-CULTURE of cells under continual visualization
Please get in touch to receive the latest information on our company.